Monday, April 26, 2010

Well check us out!


Stuck in a room on a Navy Base can make u act like a 5 YEAR OLD too!

Just in case u were wondering who that is...its Hayley from Paramore >>>


These pics are a little old, but i love them so! Photographer Peggy Sirota did her Thannnng.

O! and i so dig Kristen's ensemble!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And It Goes On...

My admiration for this woman has multiplied!

I love how she touched on racism and the ignorance society has conditioned our minds with! She says "The one thing we don't realize is that, as a civil society, we have a template of what is considered perfect, what is considered traditional, acceptable, whatever. And we like to compare everything to that."

...she goes on to say "I don't want to raise children who are concscious and say 'I'm not racist! I have a white friend! I have a black friend!' If you need to fuckin count, then you're very conscious about it, and you just need to fuckin leave." ( i love her potty mouth lol)

Monday, April 19, 2010

That's fckin funny...

This guy always makes me happy!

HeHe...we're kinda the same!

"I'm more of a punch -drunk-love-kind of girl...I mean punch as in that pow, that jolt, that kick in the gut. I like things that's are severe, passionate and extreme."- Zoe Saldana

"I feel a lot...I get really bad stomachaches all the time (for me it's my chest and my fingers lol :$) I went to the doctor and he said 'You're a feeler' " - Blake Lively